What does Generative AI mean for our sector?

AI is the hot topic on everyone’s radar, bringing a plethora of threats alongside a raft of opportunities that could revolutionise how companies operate. In the latest episode of the BVRLA’s The Inside Track podcast, Daniel Layne from QV Systems shares his insights, experiences, and thoughts about how far Generative AI can take us.

The conversation explores the current capabilities of generative AI platforms and speculates how much further they could go. Daniel explains how current systems go beyond writing marketing copy, answering queries or writing song lyrics, bringing with them new ways for BVRLA members to approach how they function.

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This episode – and all historic ones – can be found on The Inside Track feed. Users can stream directly via the BVRLA website, or via their preferred podcast provider such as Apple, Spotify, or Amazon.

There will be a panel discussion exploring the subject of AI at the Leasing Broker Conference on Tuesday 1 October in Birmingham. The sold-out event is free to BVRLA leasing broker members and this year includes QV Systems as headline sponsor.