WATCH: Are you ready for change?

Staying compliant and competitive in a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape requires careful consideration. BVRLA members can help themselves prepare for regulatory changes by accessing the free recording of last week’s webinar with Product Partnerships Ltd (PPL) and DWF.

The ‘Preparing for Regulatory Change’ webinar took place on Thursday 20 June and explored: 

  • Consumer Duty 

  • the Appointed Representatives regime 

  • GAP insurance 

  • Discretionary Commissions 

Taking place over 60 minutes, the session contains expert insights from Phillip Garlick, Managing Director at PPL and Luis Hernandez, Associate Director Regulatory at DWF. 

Members can access and watch back at their convenience via the BVRLA website and can share any questions with [email protected]

Regulatory changes and increasing ESG requirements will also take centre stage at next month’s Compliance Forum. Read “Consumers, Commissions and Compliance take centre stage” for more details. 

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