Transport Select Committee reignites road pricing debate

The Transport Committee has announced intentions to start a national debate about road pricing which was last explored over a decade ago prior to the then Labour Government’s road pricing plans being abandoned.

This is in advance of an inquiry to be formally announced in early 2020, when the Committee will invite views from across the country from drivers and non-drivers about the future of road transport.

Earlier this year, the BVRLA touched on road pricing in its policy report ‘Road to Zero: Time to shift gear on tax’ which considered where the future of motor taxation could lie.

The report collated the thoughts of a wide variety of well-respected organisations such as the RAC, BP Chargemaster, and Energy UK. 

As the country moves towards an ever-increasing number of ultra-low emission vehicles this will dramatically reduce the revenues collected from CO2 related taxes and so a new system will be necessary. The format and how such a new system should be introduced will however, require very careful consideration.

Following on from this thought leadership report, and in light of growing political interest in the potential of road pricing, the association is beginning an important new policy workstream focused on defining the future direction of motoring tax.

As the BVRLA’s work in this area grows over the coming months more resources will be added to the Future Motoring Taxation webpage.

Read more about the Select Committee announcement on the Parliament website.