Self-driving vehicles on roads by 2026

Self-driving vehicles could be on British roads in just two years after the Automated Vehicles (AV) Act became law yesterday (20 May 2024).

The AV Act enables advanced technology to safely drive vehicles on British roads. The law will require self-driving vehicles to achieve a level of safety at least as high as ‘careful and competent’ human drivers, as well as meeting rigorous safety checks before being allowed onto roads.

While the bill becoming law is a landmark event, there is still much to do in the self-driving arena, especially on access to data. The BVRLA is inviting members to input into this discussion and share their views with the association. Electric and self-driving cars will be ever more connected, member input enables the BVRLA to best represent the sector to the Government.

Members can email [email protected] directly.

Self-driving vehicles set to be on roads by 2026 as Automated Vehicles Act becomes law - GOV.UK (

The topic in the software-defined vehicle will also be explored at the BVRLA’s July Fleets in Charge Conference. A session from Jack Palmer, Principal Consultant at Frost and Sullivan, will look at how new battery technology and the era of the ‘Software-Defined Vehicle’ are changing automotive business models.

More information: BVRLA Fleets in Charge Conference 2024.