Receive a masterclass in ESG

Do you know the benefits of having an ESG strategy and what your business should be reporting on? Are you clear of your requirements under Environmental Social and Governance regulations? The BVRLA recently delivered a two-hour online masterclass session ‘Mastering the ESG Landscape’ to discuss the intricacies of ESG and the requirements of Scope 3 reporting regulations.

The BVRLA partnered with ESG experts at Omnevue to share its wisdom and provide takeaway resources for members. If you missed the session but wish to view the resources and the full recording of the session, it is possible to do so for a one-off payment of £99 +VAT.

The session includes a clear and simple overview of ESG regulation and explains how members’ businesses can meet obligations when sharing data with clients, customers, and partners.

Contact the Learning and Development team for more information, email [email protected].

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