New BVRLA report highlights automotive’s ‘Special Relationship’

The BVRLA is shedding light on the evolving dynamics between leasing companies and vehicle manufacturers in a survey published tomorrow. This new research will pinpoint areas of strong collaboration and identify the top-performing OEMs.

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The inaugural report will be unveiled at the Company Car in Action event at Millbrook (Beds) tomorrow (12 June). Gerry Keaney, Toby Poston, and Amanda Brandon will represent the BVRLA and are keen to speak to members about any challenges or areas for improvement they may have.

In partnership with independent research firm experteye, the BVRLA surveyed its leasing members about their relationships with OEMs. Twenty-six major leasing companies participated, providing insights on 23 manufacturers. The survey results cover over one million vehicles, representing more than 60% of the BVRLA car lease fleet.

Blaine Colston, Chair of the Vehicle and Fleet Management Committee and Forum said; “The overwhelming feedback from the VFM Forum is that this new survey is a very welcome initiative. It will enable our industry to approach the OEMs with valuable insight based on a general consensus of their service to us, and subsequently our customers. We look forward to working with the OEMs individually on initiatives that will improve the scores, thereby benefiting us all - OEMs, leasing and rental companies, but most importantly, our end user customers.”

Through this survey, the BVRLA aims to promote constructive dialogue between OEMs and leasing companies. The report will offer valuable insights into key service areas provided by OEMs, spotlighting those that excel and identifying where additional support is needed.

Leasing members are invited to attend the Company Car in Action report launch. The presentation will be held in the main theatre at 2 pm on Wednesday 12 June.