Measures to protect younger drivers

A new bill has been introduced in Parliament designed to protect new drivers in the form of Graduated Driving Licences (GDLs).

The bill, introduced by Labour MP Kim Leadbeater, would impose restrictions on young drivers during the initial six months as a licence-holder.

GDLs are backed by various safety organisations. The bill has cross-party support in the House of Commons, as well as the approval of organisations including the RAC and the AA. Data from the Department of Transport shows males aged 17-24 are four times more likely to be killed or seriously injured in a road collision than all other drivers aged 25 or over.

This is the latest attempt made in recent years to introduce GDLs into law - but none so far have been successful despite a number of parliamentary debates.

Ideas under discussion for inclusion within the legislation are a lower maximum speed limit, smaller engines, a ban on carrying passengers aged under 25, a zero-alcohol limit, a curfew for night driving, and a limit to the number of passengers.

The bill has read for the first time and will receive its second reading on 17 May.

Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (New Drivers) Bill - Parliamentary Bills - UK Parliament