Gender imbalance prevalent in fleet sector: EU survey

A survey on topics related to gender inclusivity in the workplace was carried out by Nexus Communication, the publisher of Fleet Europe and initiator of Inspiring Women in Fleet.

In the Europe Union, roughly 22% of workers in the transport sector are women. Fleet Europe surveyed the perception of gender inclusivity in the fleet management sector. 162 participants (both men and women) from different regions (but mostly from Europe), job roles, and companies responded.

The survey covered general topics related to gender inclusivity - highlighting salary parity, gender representation in the company and whether gender plays a role in career opportunities.19% voted that gender-based salary differences remain in their company. According to the respondents, there’s more and more equality in salary but still an imbalance of women in leadership positions and chances for promotions in companies.

More information on the Fleet Europe website: Fleet Europe Inclusivity Survey.

See the BVRLA’s instructor led course: Accelerate – Women’s Voices in Fleet Powered by the AFP to help women in the fleet industry gain confidence and clarity with public speaking.

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