Find an Ultra Low Emission Zone or Clean Air Zone compliant vehicle

BVRLA members provide affordable access to the newest, cleanest cars, vans and trucks. Using a range of business models, they can provide pay-as-you-go access to ULEZ compliant vehicles by the minute, hour, day, week, month or year.

Rental Cars

Typically less than a year old, rental cars provide a reliable, flexible and convenient way of finding an appropriate and compliant vehicle for an occasional trip into the ULEZ.

Rental vans

Typically less than two years old, rental vans can often be provided pre-fitted to meet the requirements of specific trades such as plumbers, carpenters, electricians or logistics.

Car clubs

Car clubs provide convenient and affordable access to cars and vans on a self-serve, 24/7 basis and can provide a realistic alternative to vehicle ownership for many city dwellers. The London car club fleet is virtually diesel-free and increasingly electric.

Lease cars

Traditionally popular with company car fleets, this form of vehicle finance has become increasingly popular as a way for consumers to gain affordable and hassle-free access to a newer, cleaner vehicle. Nearly 10% of all new lease cars are electric or plug-in.

Lease vans

The average lease van is on contract for around four years. A lack of alternative options means that 99% of lease vans are diesel while just 1% are petrol or electric.

Truck leasing and rental

The average rental truck is kept on fleet for around four years, while a standard leased truck fleet-cycle is five years. Most truck journeys occur outside of urban areas, but they still play a vital role in city supply chains. Over 90% of everything we eat, drink, wear and build with will travel on an HGV at some point in the supply chain. 

Speak to a BVRLA member to start your search for a ULEZ or CAZ compliant vehicle.