Chief Executive reviews year of ups and downs 

At the end of another year full of ups and downs, chief executive Gerry Keaney writes a BVRLA blog to highlight some of the key barriers the association has overcome, while also looking ahead to the challenges to be faced by the industry in 2022. 

“In looking back over the last year, our industry can be immensely proud of the progress it has made. 2021 was always set to be a turbulent year as the UK economy and global supply chains came to terms with the impact of the Covid-19 lockdowns and ensuing recovery.   

“Once again, the only thing we have been able to predict with any certainty has been change.  

“Change often presents opportunities, and as usual, we have worked hard to support our members every step of the way. This has included our ongoing Covid support and advice, providing regular updates and materials to keep members and their customers fully informed. While there were positive signs in the nation’s recovery during the year, the latest situation is certainly concerning and shows that members will need to remain adaptable to changing guidance in the coming weeks.” 

Read Gerry’s blog in full: BVRLA 2021: A year of ups and downs 

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