BVRLA comment in response to General Election 2024 result

A short comment from the BVRLA in response to this morning's General Election result.

BVRLA Chief Executive, Gerry Keaney said:

“We congratulate Keir Starmer and his party on their strong election win. The change of government brings a change of direction. After a period of great political uncertainty, the industry collectively hopes for stability that will allow action to be taken and progress to be achieved.

“The time for blanket decarbonisation policies has been and gone. As the transition towards cleaner, greener vehicles evolves, the need for specific interventions becomes clear. Up to now, powerful tax incentives for company-provided cars have accelerated adoption among fleets but left retail and rental lagging. For the transition to be embraced by all sectors, targeted action is needed. Charging infrastructure, the used market, and vans are just three of the areas demanding closer attention.  

“Guided by our members, we will continue to be a clear voice for the sector and its needs. Our work around the rental sector, used BEV market and transition to electric vans will ramp up as we continue to grow our influence with the Labour government and the key departments shaping UK transport.”