Blackwall and Silvertown tunnels charging

From 7 April 2025, drivers in London will need to pay a charge to drive through the Blackwall or new Silvertown tunnels. The new Silvertown Tunnel under the Thames will link Silvertown in east London to the Greenwich Peninsula. The new tunnel will help to reduce congestion in and around the Blackwall Tunnel, help make peak time journeys faster and allow for better public transport links between both sides of the river.

If members’ customers do not pay the charge, a Penalty Charge Notice will be issued to the registered keeper. This will operate the same as the London congestion charging scheme, so members with vehicles on hire for less than six months will be able to transfer liability to the customer, provided a  supply hire agreement compliant with Transport for London (TfL)’s requirements can be provided.  If vehicles are on hire or lease for more than six months, members may choose to pay the PCN and recharge it to the customer if the contract allows. TfL will accept post payment appeals if the customer wishes to dispute the PCN.

For those members who scan and recognise the PCNs, the PCNs will look the same as a London congestion charge PCN so there shouldn’t be a need for system changes.

Any specific questions should be sent to [email protected].

See TfL’s website for more detail on the operation of the scheme: Blackwall and Silvertown tunnels charge - Transport for London.

Information on payments: Paying the Blackwall and Silvertown tunnels charge - Transport for London.

See the BVRLA’s instructor-led training course: Penalty Charge Notice Masterclass.