Those who missed the 45-minute webinar can now to tune in to listen to it via the BVRLA’s YouTube channel and copies of the presentations are also available online.
Over 70 members registered to attend the webinar that took place on National Clean Air Day UK (20 June), with representatives from national government and local authorities shining the spotlight on Clean Air Zones.
Members tuning in live had the opportunity to ask questions and the hot topics arising were focussed on the issues of signage, penalties, exemptions and enforcement.
Co-hosting the webinar was Tina Blandford from the government’s Joint Air Quality Unit (JAQU), Laura Dyett from Transport for London, Megan Black from Transport for Greater Manchester and Catherine Bowen from the BVRLA policy team.
Tina gives a national perspective and touches on infrastructure including signage and investment in ANPR cameras. She also talks through the digital delivery plans for the vehicle checker and payment portal.
Laura provides an update on the Ultra-Low Emission Zone in London covering charges, the vehicle checker, discounts/exemptions and van scrappage. She also shares a map showing the extended area which is due to launch on 26 October 2021.
Megan talks about air pollution within Greater Manchester and outlines the questions they are asking as part of their initial consultation, including how funds should be spent to support non-compliant vehicles and the location of charging points.
Catherine provides some insight into the work being done by the BVRLA in relation to local and national engagement and some of the points being raised in these conversations. She highlights the need for consistency and the issues facing CV members, where there are limited options available for upgrading HGVs.
Members can access the Clean Air Zones webinar here via the BVRLA YouTube channel.
Members can access the presentations from the webinar via the BVRLA website.