Two years after the BVRLA launched its ambitious 'Plug-in Pledge' - promising to increase uptake of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles - the association now reveals its updated figures.
In July 2018, the BVRLA launched its first ‘Plug-in Pledge’. It said that the vehicle rental, leasing and fleet industry’s combined battery electric and plug-in hybrid vehicle fleet size would jump from 50,000 to 720,000 by 2025. By that time, the vehicle rental, leasing and fleet sectors would be buying 300,000 plug-in vehicles per year.
Two years on, and the pace of road transport decarbonisation has accelerated. The BVRLA therefore revisted the Plug-in Pledge, working with Frost and Sullivan, a global market intelligence, thought leadership consultancy operating in the personal and freight mobility industry, to create a new forecast. The 2020 Plug-in Pledge now says:
- By 2025, the vehicle rental, leasing and fleet industry will be registering 400,000 battery electric cars and vans each year. This means it will be responsible for 80% of sales in the UK.
- In terms of total fleet, the industry will own and operate 75% of battery electric vehicles on UK roads – around 900,000 vehicles.
- If you include plug in hybrid vehicles, the figures are even more impressive. By 2025, the rental, leasing and fleet industry will be registering nearly 570,000 plug-in cars and vans every year and will own and operate around 1.3m plug-in vehicles in total.