The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) will shortly be writing to limited companies in the vehicle rental and leasing sector, reminding them that they may have a legal responsibility to register with the ICO and pay the data protection fee.
The Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV) and Connected Places Catapult have recently published a report on Unlocking the benefits of in-vehicle data.
Wendy Williamson, chief executive of the Independent Automotive Aftermarket Federation (IAAF) joins the BVRLA blog community to look at the challenge of fair competition and the motorist’s right to a variety of service maintenance options.
Wendy Williamson, chief executive of the Independent Automotive Aftermarket Federation (IAAF) looks at the challenge of allowing fair competition in a technological era and the motorist’s right to have the choice of where they take their vehicle to have it repaired or serviced.
Subject experts from across the BVRLA membership are being encouraged to take part in one of the association’s Working Groups, which focus on a range of business-critical issues affecting the industry.
The BVRLA has responded to the EU's call for feedback, highlighting the benefit of the motor vehicle block exemption and recommending that the regulation should be maintained but modernised because of technological advances.
The BVRLA will this year host its first Future Mobility Congress on 4 July. This one-day event replaces the previous Fleet Technology Congress and will include expert analysis and debate giving members and guests vital insight to inform their business strategy.
The BVRLA welcomes the review into on how UK law should change to enable the safe use and operation of automated vehicles. BVRLA members are typically the legal owner of the vehicle and do not have day-to-day operational control of the vehicle. Therefore, we welcome legal clarity on the way the automated vehicle is operated and controlled by the customer, as well as on those responsibilities which the legal owner or supplier would be accountable for.
Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Support and the Information Commissioners Office publish data protection advice for businesses preparing for a no-deal Brexit.
The BVRLA today unveiled its Industry Outlook 2019 Report in front of almost 200 industry leaders, trade media and other guests at the association’s annual industry conference.