The majority of vehicles driven on UK roads have to pay Vehicle Excise Duty (VED, also know as road fund licence). This page provides guidance to members on the current rates, how to pay and obtain refunds.
This fact sheet aims to provide BVRLA members with an overview of the recent requests for information and examples of good practice, or where improvement is seen to be required, by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
This factsheet aims to provide BVRLA members with an understanding of the new UK legislation surrounding subscription contracts and the kind of agreement that will be considered as such.
The BVRLA is committed to helping members maintain high standards of conduct and compliance with the BVRLA Code of Conduct. To support this we have produced this factsheet with the support of BVRLA member, ProHire Ltd who have provided a sample Pre-Rental Safety Checklist and Rental Agreement document to support members' understanding.
We are committed to helping you maintain high standards of conduct and compliance with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulations. The BVRLA have prepared a Consumer Duty Board Report checklist to guide you in ensuring your business is prepared for the FCA's Consumer Duty requirements.
This comprehensive self-assessment checklist allows you to evaluate your compliance with the BVRLA Code of Conduct and identify areas of improvement in advance of the inspection.