Leasing Broker Committee

The Leasing Broker Committee consists member representatives from a cross-section of large and small organisations, including intermediaries operating in vehicle leasing and their funders.

Committee members

People_Guest Speakers_Rod Lloyd Low Cost Vans.png
Rod Lloyd

Managing Director at the lcv group.

Joined the BVRLA Leasing Broker Committee in January 2017.


Company Name

Ben Faulkner 


Chris Swallow

Novuna Vehicle Solutions

Graham Conway

Select Car Leasing

Hollie Crumlish


James Russell


Keith Hawes

Nationwide Vehicle Contracts

Lee Duerden

XLCR Vehicle Management

Luke Mears 

VIP Gateway 

Lynette Randall

Alpha Contracts Leasing

Martin Brown

Fleet Alliance

Mike Thompson


Mike Thompson

Leasing Options

Nickie Brooks


Paul Bulloch

Concept Automotive

Simon Leake 


Spencer Blake

Wessex Fleet Solutions

Stephen Greenstreet


Steve Cocks

Lex Autolease

Scott Glover

Arval UK

Vince Pemberton

Rivervale Cars

Will Voisey

Synergy Car Leasing


The work of the Committee

The Leasing Broker Committee provides an arena for members of this growing part of the leasing industry to develop and discuss new ideas and share experience and knowledge. 

It consists of member representatives from a cross-section of large and small organisations, including intermediaries operating in vehicle leasing and their funders. 

As a member of the leasing broker committee, I find our meetings an invaluable source of information to both our business and my personal development. The topics, wealth of knowledge and members’ desire to help improve our sector is a huge benefit.

- 2021 Member Survey

 Further information about all BVRLA Committees can be found here.